Definition xs := "foo" :: "bar" :: "baz" :: nil. Eval compute in (fold_left append xs ""). Eval compute in (fold_right append "" xs).
Section Fold_Left_Recursor. Variables A B : Type. Variable f : A -> B -> A. Fixpoint fold_left (l:list B) (a0:A) : A := match l with | nil => a0 | cons b t => fold_left t (f a0 b) end. End Fold_Left_Recursor.
Section Fold_Right_Recursor. Variables A B : Type. Variable f : B -> A -> A. Variable a0 : A. Fixpoint fold_right (l:list B) : A := match l with | nil => a0 | cons b t => f b (fold_right t) end. End Fold_Right_Recursor.
(a0: A)と((##): A -> A -> A)に対して次の二つの条件が成り立てばfold_leftとfold_rightの結果が同じになることを示した。
- 任意の(x:A)に対して x ## a0 = a0 ## x
- (##)は結合的。つまり x ## (y ## z) = (x ## y) ## z.
Require Import List. Section Fold_LR. Variable A : Set. Variable op : A -> A -> A. Variable a0 : A. Infix "##" := op (at level 60, right associativity). Axiom assoc : forall (x y z:A), (x ## y) ## z = x ## (y ## z). Axiom sym_a0 : forall x:A, a0 ## x = x ## a0. Lemma aux : forall (bs: list A) (a b1: A), fold_right op a (b1::bs) = fold_left op (bs ++ (a::nil)) b1. Proof. induction bs; intros. reflexivity. simpl. rewrite <- IHbs. simpl. rewrite assoc. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma fold_left_a0_r : forall (xs: list A) (a: A), fold_left op (xs ++ (a0::nil)) a = fold_left op xs a ## a0. Proof. induction xs; intro. reflexivity. simpl. rewrite IHxs. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma fold_left_a0_l: forall (xs: list A) (a: A), fold_left op xs (a0 ## a) = a0 ## fold_left op xs a. Proof. induction xs; intros. reflexivity. simpl. rewrite <- IHxs. rewrite assoc. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem fold_lr : forall (xs: list A), fold_left op xs a0 = fold_right op a0 xs. Proof. destruct xs. reflexivity. rewrite aux. simpl. rewrite fold_left_a0_l. rewrite fold_left_a0_r. rewrite sym_a0. reflexivity. Qed. End Fold_LR.